Second Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas

The Second Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas was conducted from 2008-2012. Volunteers, many of them DOS members, fanned out across the state to help determine the status of Delaware’s breeding birds.
Visit the official Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas Site
View preliminary results from the atlas, including distribution maps. The Breeding Bird Atlas Publication Committee is currently working on writing up and publishing the results of the atlas.
The Delaware Division of Fish & Wildlife, DNREC, coordinated this five-year citizen science study through grant support from the US Fish & Wildlife Service.
Project Partners include the DOS, the Delaware Museum of Natural History, the Delaware Nature Society, the Delaware Audubon Society, and the US Fish & Wildlife Service.
Third Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas
Breeding Bird Atlases are typically conducted every 20 years. The next one for Delaware will be conducted from 2028-2032.