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DOS December Meeting: Annual “For DOS, by DOS” short presentations by DOS members
December 18, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
The December member meeting will feature several short talks by DOS members on activities managed, coordinated and implemented by DOS members and partner organizations. The talks will generally be 10-15 minute overviews of activities implemented over the past year.

Birds on the move! Tracking migration using the Motus network. Ian Stewart
The Motus tracking system is a network of towers that detect the presence of radio-tagged animals so we can follow their movements. Ian will discuss the results from a large-scale Wood Thrush radio-tagging project he participated in this summer as well as reviewing this year’s most notable detections from Motus towers throughout Delaware. He will also show how everyone can have fun exploring the Motus website!

Citizen Science Projects: Hermitage and First State National Park Bird Surveys. Andy Ednie
Andy will provide a review of the three-year bird survey at Hermitage Natural Area administered by the Trustees of New Castle Common. The Hermitage is an oasis in the sprawl of suburbia along the Delaware River. Originally the ancestral home of Nicholas Van Dyke II, the property has multiple habitats; woods, marsh, tidal creek, and fields to produce a plethora of species. Originally, the survey was initiated to evaluate the avifauna during habitat restoration, but changes may put further research at risk. As the Hermitage survey winds down, Andy will also discuss the next bird survey to start in 2025 at First State National Historic Park and how you can participate.
DOS Youth Birders support bird conservation by competing in World Series of Birding. Christian Scheibe and Elle McDonald. The World Series of Birding is a birding competition and fundraiser held every spring in Cape May, NJ. Ellie and Christian will discuss what it was like being on the team the Flying Penguins. They participated in the middle school division of the competition this past spring and birded from 3am to 10pm on May 11th. The Flying Penguins chose to raise money for the Delaware Nature Society Bird Conservation Initiative, and will be talking about their experiences fundraising and competing.

Piping Plover Research. Eli Hevalow. The presentation I plan to give will follow the topic of Piping Plover Nest Site Selection at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge. In short, it will cover a little bit of the restoration and history of Fowler Beach/Prime Hook, the change in number of PIPL nests from 2016-2024, as well as the vegetation management tactics that have been done the last few years and a review of some data collected for my senior thesis.
Delaware Master Naturalist certification Program. Scott Northey
The Delaware Master Naturalist Program trains citizens as ambassadors and stewards of Delaware’s natural resources and ecosystems through science-based education and volunteer opportunities. The training program is jointly coordinated by University of Delaware Cooperative Extension and Delaware Nature Society.
DOS is a Local Organizing Partner (LOP) for the Delaware Master Naturalists program. The LOPs work closely with trained Master Naturalists to coordinate and execute Master Naturalist volunteer projects, recruit volunteers into the program, and work with other organizations to maximize the Delaware Master Naturalist mission.
Scott is in the process of completing the certification and will give an overview of the program and provide information to others who may be interested to join future training sessions.

The meeting is held in person at Ashland Nature Center and online via Zoom software. The in person meeting is open to all, Zoom presentation is for DOS members only.
Members in good standing will receive an email with Zoom login info prior to the meeting. If you are not a member and would like to attend virtually, please consider joining DOS.
We look forward to ‘seeing’ you soon!