All Upcoming Events and Trips

First State National Historic Park with Declan O’Neil

Blackburnian Warbler by Declan O'Neil Explore the Brandywine Valley Tract of First State National Historical Park, a lesser-known gem of northern New Castle County. With spring in full swing, we’ll be looking and listening for migrating warblers on our walk along the Brandywine Creek, in addition to vireos, thrushes, sparrows and anything else migration has ... Read more

Blackbird State Forest with Ian Stewart

Northern Parula by Michael Moore Explore Blackbird State Forest! In this twist on an old walk, we will explore the area around the headquarters of Blackbird State Forest followed by a convoy to some of its lesser known corners in search of specialty birds and fresh experiences! Helpfully offered during the week of the Delaware ... Read more

Alapocas Woods with Joe Francis

Louisiana Waterthrush by Mary Braun Explore Alapocas Woods Visit an oasis within the city of Wilmington with good successional field habitat, mature woodlands and the Brandywine River. Target birds include migrating warblers and thrushes as well as the many summer and year-round residents. Helpfully offered during the week of the Delaware Bird-A-Thon for folks out ... Read more

Ted Harvey Wildlife Area with Chris Bennett

Red Knot by Chris Bennett Explore Ted Harvey WLA! Ted Harvey offers a variety of habitats along the Bayshore near the mouth of the St. Jones River.  With luck we should find both migrating songbirds in forest and field habitats and shorebirds in the impoundments and bay beach. Conservation Access Pass required. Ruddy Turnstone by ... Read more

Mother’s Day Walk at White Clay Creek

Pileated Woodpecker by Michael Moore The Traditional DOS Mother's Day Walk Join Judy Montgomery & friends on Mother's Day for a walk at beautiful White Clay Creek State Park looking for local breeding birds and late migrants still passing through.  Offered during the DE Bird-A-Thon (DBAT) Contact Carolyn at [email protected] if you have any questions ... Read more

DOS May Meeting: “UD Student Presentations”

Ashland Nature Center 3511 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE, United States

Four students from the University of Delaware in Jeff Buler's lab will be give short presentations on their bird related research projects. See below for more details. Claire Bernard is an undergraduate student doing her senior thesis. Her talk is "Identifying Purple Martin Diet and its Effect on Nestling Development". This is research that she's ... Read more

Youth Birders: White Clay Creek State Park – Mill Race Trail

White-eyed Vireo by Carolyn Holland It’s time for migration mania! May is the peak time to see warblers, thrushes, flycatchers, vireos andmore. On this trip, we will explore the Mill Race trail that travels past several impoundments anddown along the creek to spot as many migrating birds as we can find. We supply loaner binoculars. ... Read more

Pea Patch Island with Declan O’Neil

Great Blue Herons by Declan O'Neil Pea Patch Island, a small island located in the middle of the Delaware River, is well known for its rookery of wading birds including Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Glossy Ibis, and more! On this trip, take a ferry ride to the island and see the rookery ... Read more

Killens Pond State Park with Chris Bennett

Woodlands at Killens Pond by Chris Bennett In search of summer residents! Located near the geographic center of Delaware, Killens Pond provides habitat for a wide variety of birds.  We will walk approximately 3 miles along the Pondside Trail in search of resident nesting bird species.  We should get great looks at Prothonotary Warbler, Ovenbird, ... Read more

Pea Patch Island with Declan O’Neil

Great Blue Herons by Declan O'Neil Pea Patch Island, a small island located in the middle of the Delaware River, is well known for its rookery of wading birds including Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Glossy Ibis, and more! On this trip, take a ferry ride to the island and see the rookery ... Read more

Fair Hill Bobolinks & Blueberries with Ian Stewart

Bobolink by Ian Stewart See Bobolinks up close! We will explore the rolling grasslands of Fair Hill NRMA just over the Maryland border in search of breeding Bobolinks and Meadowlarks, then head into the woods in search of other breeding birds. Fair Hill is an excellent place to see these declining grassland birds thanks to ... Read more