All Upcoming Events and Trips

University of Delaware Farm & Ecology Woods with Blue Hen Birding

Pond at UD Farm by Samantha Melanson, President of Blue Hen Birding Explore the UD Farm & Ecology Woods! By special permission from the University of Delaware & hosted by Blue Hen Birding, a UD student organization, here is an opportunity for non-UD affiliated birders to explore the University of Delaware Farm & Ecology Woods ... Read more

Ashland Migrant Walk with Jim White

Canada Warbler by Mike Moore Migrant Bird Walk at Ashland! Join Jim White for a ramble along the Red Clay Creek at Ashland Nature Center in search of warblers and other neotropical migrants! Bring your binoculars and spotting skills. Meet in the parking lot of Ashland Nature Center, Hockessin DE at 8:00 am. Contact Carolyn ... Read more

Cape Henlopen State Park with Chris Bennett

Marsh along Walking Dunes Trail by Chris Bennett Raptors, shorebirds, terns, gulls & late migrant songbirds at Cape Henlopen! Cape Henlopen's location at the mouth of Delaware Bay along the mid-Atlantic coast makes it a magnet for migrating and overwintering birds of all kinds.  Birds that might be encountered at Cape Henlopen in early October include ... Read more

Searching for Sparrows at Burrows Run with Andy Ednie

Field Sparrow by Michael Moore Explore Burrows Run while searching for sparrows! Join Andy Ednie to search for sparrows in beautiful Burrows Run! October is the perfect time to find migrating sparrows, welcome back our winter birds, and study our year-round residents too! We'll look for White-throated, White-crowned, Lincoln's, and others on this pristine private ... Read more

Youth Birders: Ashland Nature Center

Peregrine Falcon by David Brown One of the great things about fall migration is how much slower it is than the spring. This givesus lots of time to search out later migrants like sparrows, finches, and kinglets. We’ll end thetrip with some time at the hawk watch to look for falcons, hawks, and eagles. Please ... Read more

Late Afternoon Bird Walk at the DuPont Environmental Education Center/Russell W. Peterson Refuge with Joe Francis

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker by Carolyn Holland Explore Delaware's Premier Urban Wildlife Refuge! End the week on a positive note with a leisurely walk at the Russell W. Peterson Refuge. These walks will begin roughly 2 hours before sunset, allowing opportunity to check out roosting waterfowl, shorebirds, rails, wrens and blackbirds. Crepuscular sightings of muskrat, beaver and ... Read more

Anson B. Nixon Park with Ian Stewart

Palm Warbler (Yellow) by Carolyn Holland Explore this under-birded park to see what species we might find! Anson B. Nixon park ( is an attractive 100 acre site owned by the Kennett Area Park Authority. It contains two small lakes and a mix of woodland and dense forest with creeks. It is free to enter, ... Read more

Youth Birders: Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge

Blue-winged Teal by Michael Moore This trip is all about waterfowl!  Join us to explore the diversity of duck and goose species that move into the Mid-Atlantic region for the winter each year.  We’ll be bringing scopes to make sure we get great looks, so don’t miss out! *Annual Duck Stamp or Daily Pass required ... Read more

Late Afternoon Bird Walk at the DuPont Environmental Education Center/Russell W. Peterson Refuge with Joe Francis

Bald Eagle by Carolyn Holland Explore Delaware's Premier Urban Wildlife Refuge! End the week on a positive note with a leisurely walk at the Russell W. Peterson Refuge. These walks will begin roughly 2 hours before sunset, allowing opportunity to check out roosting waterfowl, shorebirds, rails, wrens and blackbirds. Crepuscular sightings of muskrat, beaver and ... Read more

Youth Birders: Wilmington Christmas Bird Count

Hermit Thrush by Carolyn Holland Join us for the 125th annual Christmas Bird Count!  We will be counting all of the birds we can see and hear to help track continent-wide trends in bird diversity and abundance.  The data collected is used by scientists working to protect bird habitats and populations. Please RSVP to Jessica ... Read more

Midwinter Bird Walk at Alapocas with Joe Francis

Merlin by Carolyn Holland Explore Alapocas Woods for wintering birds Come out and get to know some of the birds that are at home in the woods and fields during winter! Contact Carolyn at [email protected] if you have any questions about this trip. Meet at the Blue Ball Barn near the traffic circle on West ... Read more

Evening Rail Trip with Andy Ednie

Salt Marsh at Sunrise by Tim Freiday Listen for rails after dark! This may be the only field trip all year where no birds are seen....only heard!  A four hour Rail bonanza (in the middle of the night!) targeting 7 species.  Bring long boots and bug spray.  Our leader is Andy Ednie, please contact at ... Read more