All Upcoming Events and Trips

Third Sea Watch for 2020-2021

Join Anthony Gonzon and Chris Bennett for 3 brisk birding adventures at the Indian River Inlet this winter! Dec 13 – 8am until 12pm (Sunday)Feb 6 – 8am until 12pm (Saturday)Mar 20 – 8am until 12pm (Saturday) To be enjoyed at the Southside Day Use Area (lot on the south side of Indian River Inlet ... Read more

March Pea Patch Island Heron Survey

Pea Patch Island Heron Survey Pea Patch Island, located just off Delaware City, hosts one of the largest breeding colonies of herons and egrets in the mid-Atlantic region. The DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation takes a monthly census of birds using the colony. Led by counter Chris Bennett, herons, egrets, and ibis leaving and returning to the ... Read more

DOS April Meeting: An Introduction to Nocturnal Migration by Jerald Reb

On spring and fall nights with good migration conditions, thousands of birds can be heard calling as they move overhead. Come learn about identifying these nocturnal flight calls (NFCs), techniques used in monitoring nocturnal migration, and more, as Jerald takes us on a journey through the night skies! Jerald Reb grew up in Delaware, where ... Read more

Ashton-Coopers Cross-Warren Tracts

Half Day adventure exploring DNREC holdings in the 1,000 Acre Marsh DBAT funds have helped to procure. Migrating warblers, egrets, herons and more can be found in a variety of habitats including bay, brackish and fresh water wetlands as well as pine and hardwood forests. Meet at the Ashton Tract parking lot at 7AM - ... Read more

April Pea Patch Island Heron Survey

Pea Patch Island Heron Survey Pea Patch Island, located just off Delaware City, hosts one of the largest breeding colonies of herons and egrets in the mid-Atlantic region. The DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation takes a monthly census of birds using the colony. Led by counter Chris Bennett, herons, egrets, and ibis leaving and returning to the ... Read more

Great Cypress Swamp

DBAT-ters Rejoice! A Delaware Wild Lands trek to the Great Cypress Swamp in search of migrants and resident birds nesting in this unique environment. 7:30 AM start time, 12 participant limit, DOS members only. Please RSVP to email listed below for confirmation and meeting location/directions. Be sure to bring binoculars, a mask, and good humor ... Read more

Blackbird State Forest Blowout!

Blackbird State Forest Blowout! In this twist on an old walk, we will explore the area around the headquarters of Blackbird State Forest followed by a convoy to some of it's lesser known corners in search of specialty bird and fresh experiences! Helpfully offered during the week of the DE Bird-A-Thon for folks out for ... Read more

*All New* DE Wild Lands’ Fortner Property!

Explore the newly acquired DE Wild Lands' Fortner Property! Offered as the DBAT is winding down, this promising habitat for nesting and migrating birds will undoubtedly add interest to your list. 7:30 AM start time, 12 participant limit, DOS members only. Please RSVP to email listed below for confirmation and meeting location/directions. Be sure to ... Read more

Mother’s Day Walk

Join fellow birding Moms for a Mother's Day stroll in lovely White Clay Creek searching for nesting local breeding birds and migrants passing through! Timed for the final day to partake in the DE Bird-A-Thon (DBAT)! State Park Fee in effect. Sunday, May 9th 2021 - Please RSVP to email listed below! Meet at 8 ... Read more

DOS May Meeting: “Crash Course in Wildlife Photography” by Josh Ward

Program Description:Have you ever looked at the work of the famous National Geographic photographers and wondered just how on Earth they manage to do what they do? Well, I don’t claim to be NatGeo caliber, but in this program we will take a look at all the general themes, tips, and tricks of being a ... Read more

May Pea Patch Island Heron Survey

Pea Patch Island Heron Survey Pea Patch Island, located just off Delaware City, hosts one of the largest breeding colonies of herons and egrets in the mid-Atlantic region. The DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation takes a monthly census of birds using the colony. Led by counter Chris Bennett, herons, egrets, and ibis leaving and returning to the ... Read more

Pedals, Pewees, and Peregrines

Pedals, Pewees, and Peregrines Birds fly, feed, and raise young alongside humans in the city and on this ride we'll discover what's living nearby! DOS is teaming up with Urban Bike Project to help riders find some of the birds close to us - from the ducks in the Brandywine to the small birds singing ... Read more