All Upcoming Events and Trips

Cataldi Bird and Nature Walk with Matt Sarver

Photo by Matt Sarver Join Matt Sarver for a sneak preview nature walk to our 2022 Bird-a-thon property, the Cataldi Tract, soon to be part of Woodland Beach Wildlife Management Area. This property is not yet open to the public. We should expect to see a nice combination of marsh, forested wetlands, and wildflowers. Rubber boots are recommended. ... Read more

Blackbird State Forest with Ian Stewart

Indigo Bunting by Michael Moore Explore Blackbird State Forest! In this twist on an old walk, we will explore the area around the headquarters of Blackbird State Forest followed by a convoy to some of its lesser known corners in search of specialty birds and fresh experiences! Helpfully offered during the week of the Delaware ... Read more

Alapocas Woods with Joe Francis

***Weather Advisory*** Please bring your raingear for this trip! Joe is planning to be there rain or shine, hoping the morning rain will be light, & will only cancel if there is thunder & lightning. Birdcast is showing favorable migration for tonight and the rain may keep the migrants low. Baltimore Oriole by Michael Moore ... Read more

Norman G. Wilder Wildlife Area with Chris Bennett

Kentucky Warbler by Michael Moore Forest Birding at Norman G. Wilder WLA Norman G. Wilder Wildlife Area, located northwest of Felton in Kent County, is a mosaic of forest, fields and wetlands near the geographic center of Delaware. The site is a lightly birded area teeming with great breeding songbirds including Pine, Kentucky and Worm-eating ... Read more

DOS May Meeting: “Supporting Backyard Birds with Native Plants” by Leah Brooks

From fruiting shrubs to seed-bearing wildflowers, native plants provide shelter and forage that are essential to our local birds. Take an in-depth look at how plants that add seasonal interest to the home garden also serve as lifelines for our feathered friends. Join Leah Brooks as she explores the intricate connections between native plants and ... Read more

Youth Birders: Ted Harvey Wildlife Management Area-Logan Lane Central Tract

Greater Yellowlegs by Carolyn Holland On our trip to Ted Harvey we will explore shorebird migration. From the parking area, we will walk along the roadway through the marsh and out onto the beach to look for shorebirds like sandpipers, plovers and the Red Knots that give our group its name. Binoculars and scopes will ... Read more

Redden State Forest with Anthony Gonzon

Yellow-throated Warbler by Chris Bennett Redden State Forest - note two meeting times and places! Join Anthony for a leisurely hike at two great birding hotspots in Redden State Forest! Target birds will include southern Delaware summer nesters such as Summer Tanager, Worm-eating Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler and more. Northern participants can meet Anthony at 6:30 ... Read more

Fair Hill Bobolink Trip with Ian Stewart

Bobolink by Michael Moore See Bobolinks up close! Fair Hill NRMA nearby in Maryland boasts breeding Bobolinks, Grasshopper Sparrows, and Savannah Sparrows, all within easy view from numerous groomed trails throughout their grassland habitats.  Excellent photographic opportunities within a short walk of the parking area where we'll meet.  Much of the time will be spent ... Read more

Youth Birders: Bellevue State Park

White-eyed Vireo by Michael Moore This trip will focus on the breeding birds in northern Delaware, including warblers, vireos, finches, catbirds and orioles. We will also look for acrobatic aerial insectivores like chimney swifts and purple martins. Binoculars will be available for participants to borrow. State park fees will be in effect. Please RSVP to ... Read more

Killen’s Pond State Park with Chris Bennett

Prothonotary Warbler by Michael Moore Breeding specialties of southern Delaware We will walk the 2.6 mile pondside trail in search of summer nesting birds including Prothonotary, Yellow-throated and Kentucky Warblers, Summer and Scarlet Tanagers, Yellow-billed Cuckoos and other breeding birds of Delaware's coastal plain forests.  Contact Carolyn at [email protected] if you have any questions about ... Read more

Annual DOS Picnic & Bird-A-Thon Awards

Roberts Farm 315 Taylors Bridge Rd, Townsend, Delaware

Annual DOS Picnic & Bird-A-Thon Awards June 29th; 4-7pm at the Roberts Farm (Bird walk to precede picnic - arrive by 3:00 PM for the bird walk) We are happy to announce that the Annual Delaware Ornithological Society picnic with Bird-A-Thon results and awards announcements, will be on June 29th from 4-7pm at the Roberts ... Read more