Lazy Birder’s Trip Report – 5

Date: 22 Sep 2024

Leader: Joe Francis

Twelve birders joined Joe Francis on Sunday afternoon for the monthly walk at the Peterson Refuge/Dupont Environmental Education. Based on prior eBird bar charts for the hotspot, hopes were high for migrating raptors, nighthawks, shorebirds, and Bobolink. Unfortunately, these did not materialize, mirroring the lagging results across the region which have been attributed to warm temperatures and strong easterly winds. An additional factor was the high “King Tide” which submerged the mudflats and marshy areas. The slower pace allowed for close study of the birds that were present, including Wood Ducks, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Palm Warblers, and an early Swamp Sparrow, as well as some of the plant life that supports them, including Wild Rice (Zizania aquatica), Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor), River Birch (Betula nigra), and Water-Pepper (Persicaria sp, probably hydropiperoides). Attendees were encouraged to return to the site during low tide times as this is an important stopover for fall migrants.

Trip Checklist:

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