November 15th 2024
Trip Leader: Jessica Shahan
Report Author: Mary Braun

Eastern Screech-owl by David Lewis. All birds were handled and banded for research purposes under state and federal permits.
Twenty of us met at the Banding /Farm shed on Friday evening. It was a gorgeous clear night with a huge supermoon. This we found out was not ideal for attracting owls – they feel too visible to hunters such as Barred Owls. There was also a noticeable breeze which the banders kept a close watch on as billowing nets can cause injury to the owls. While another volunteer watched the nets, Jessica Shahan introduced us to the procedures, tools, and measurements the banders use to catch, band and document the saw-whet owls. Meanwhile, we were all hoping to hear that a saw-whet had been caught. Instead, it was a screech owl. This little owl was an excellent consolation prize, and Jessica demonstrated the whole data collection process the banders use. We also had a chance to visit the field of nets and hedgerows where the owls are caught, and to hear close up the audio lure of the unique Saw-whet call. Despite the missing Saw-whet, it was a very interesting and informative trip, thanks to Jessica!